Thursday, January 17, 2013

Learning about Entitlement

Over New Year's, I made my 3rd annual visit to see my best friend Jen in Phoenix and we talked a little about goals for this year. Not necessarily resolutions, not your typical things to achieve or whatever, but more like things to work on. Areas to grow. One of the first things that came to mind for me was that I want to make sure I'm working on getting rid of any sense of entitlement I may have in any area of my life.

This is honestly one of my biggest pet peeves - when people act as if they are owed something simply for existing or even act as if they're owed something for working hard, though they weren't promised that thing in return. My ultimate problem with this attitude is that it makes us forget the truth that we deserve nothing. Or more accurately, that we've only ever truly deserved one thing in this life (hell) and, if we're in Christ, He's saved us from that. A sense of entitlement completely demolishes our much more important sense of gratefulness. 

So while this is something that bothers me when I see it in other people, I know that I'm not without a sense of entitlement in areas of my own life. There are certainly things in my personal and professional and spiritual life that I feel I deserve, and I get bitter and angry when I don't get them. From something as small as the person in the next lane letting me over when I want them to, to something as big as being treated a certain way by a friend or at work, I feel I deserve things that, quite frankly, I don't. But if I don't constantly remind myself that anything good that happens to me is a gift from God, I can easily forget to be grateful. I can think I earned a friendship by being a good friend, instead of seeing that friendship as a blessing from a Father who loves me and provides me with a sweet friend when I know I am a sinner who can only be a good friend sometimes because He empowers me to be. If I forget that, I won't worship Him for that and instead I'll rest in my own perceived goodness and strength. And that's idiotic.

This year, I want to be grateful for what I get and grateful for what I don't get, because it's all God blessing me by making me more like Christ and causing me to rely on Him for everything. Every time I think I deserve something, I want to confess that feeling and send it far away. And anyone who's reading this can help me out by never telling me I deserve something. Never. Even if you're saying it to make me feel better or to be nice or to express encouragement or appreciation - please find a different way. Whatever it is, I don't deserve it.

(Political Aside: These won't happen often, because I don't like to talk about politics, but this has been on my mind a lot lately. There has been SO much talk about rights lately and it's driving me nuts. I know that the Bill of Rights and our rights as Americans and all that are beaten into our brains from an early age, but if we're believers, we're citizens of another nation first and I just don't see this much emphasis on rights in scripture. We are not owed the right to bear arms, or to marry whomever we want, or to have healthcare, or any of the other things everyone's fighting about these days. What would our country be like if we could stop insisting on our personal rights and instead look at all these issues in the light of, first, what would glorify God and, second, what would most show His love to the lost around us? Who cares what we feel we deserve if it doesn't lead someone to Jesus? Sure, we might have the freedom to carry a gun or do whatever other political issue is currently being debated, but if the fight over it makes Jesus look bad to someone else because they know you're a Christian, how can that fight be worth it? We should give up our freedoms for the sake of Christ, and we should remember that they're freedoms, not rights or entitlements. And admittedly I don't pay much attention to political debates and things, so I'm sure people will say I'm simplifying things or I just have it wrong, but that's just what's been on my heart lately. The end.)


  1. Love this. I will be writing a similar post soon!

  2. I love this!! It makes me cringe when ppl say you deserve to be happy, treated a certain way, you deserve the best, etc. horse poop. Hell is the first & only thing on my list of deserves. Hit that nail on the head, woman! Hit it! And I fully agree with your political insight. I always think of a sermon I heard from David Platt. He says very emphatically, "you don't have rights! GOD has rights!!" I hear his voice saying that in my head often enough. So true!! I don't have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I don't have the right to free speech to bear arms, etc. the Bible doesn't say that. If your country gives you 'rights,' accept them humbly
