Sunday, April 1, 2012

Learning about Easter Week

It's almost Easter, y'all! As I'm often heard to say when things like St. Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day come around, I'm not a fan of fake holidays. But I am a huge fan of holidays that actually mark something truly significant, and if that doesn't describe Easter, I don't know what does! I love to celebrate the day when our Savior rose from the dead, conquering sin and death forever! Christmas gets a lot of press, and deserves it, but Easter just might be my fave.

Anyway, I was preparing this week's email bible study for some of my college girls who are studying abroad this semester, and I wanted to include some stuff they could read and meditate on this week to focus on the road to the cross and resurrection. I came across this schedule of Scripture readings for each day this week that shows what Jesus and the disciples were doing as He approached the cross. I also found this great prayer in a book called Valley of Vision (if you don't have it, I highly recommend it!) that talks about what Christ endured at Calvary for us. I wanted to post them both here in case they might bless anyone else this week and help us all prepare our hearts to celebrate next Sunday!

Passion Week Readings
Sunday: Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem – Matthew 21.1-11, Mark 11.1-10, Luke 19.28-44, John 12.12-18
               Some Greeks see Jesus – John 12.20-36
               Jesus returns to Bethany – Matthew 21.17
Monday: Jesus curses the fig tree – Matthew 21.18-19, Mark 11.12-14
                 Jesus clears the Temple – Matthew 21.12-13, Mark 11.15-17, Luke 19.45-46
                 Jesus returns to Bethany – Mark 11.19
Tuesday: Disciples see the withered fig tree on the return to Jerusalem – Matthew 21.20-22, Mark 11.20-21
                Temple controversies in Jerusalem – Matthew 21.23-23.39, Mark 11.27-12.44, Luke 20.1-21.4
                Olivet Discourse on the return to Bethany – Matthew 24.1-25.46, Mark 13.1-37, Luke 21.5-36
Wednesday: Jesus continues teaching – Luke 21.37-38
                      Sanhedrin plots to kill Jesus – Matthew 26.3-5, Mark 14.1-2, Luke 22.1-2
Wednesday/Thursday: Preparations for the Passover – Matthew 26.17-19, Mark 14.12-16, Luke 22.7-13
Thursday: Passover meal/Last Supper – Matthew 26.20-35, Mark 14.17-26, Luke 22.14-30
                 Upper Room Discourse – John 13.1-17.26
                 Jesus prays in Gethsemane – Matthew 26.36-46, Mark 14.32-42, Luke 22.39-46
Friday: Betrayal and arrest – Matthew 26.47-56, Mark 14.43-52, Luke 22.47-53, John 18.2-12
              Trial before Annas – John 18.13-24
              Trial before Caiaphas – Matthew 26.57-75, Mark 14.53-72, Luke 22.54-65, John 18.19-24
              Trial before full Sanhedrin – Matthew 27.1-2, Mark 15.1, Luke 22.66-71
              Trial before Pilate – Matthew 27.2-14, Mark 15.2-5, Luke 23.1-5
              Trial before Herod – Luke 23.6-12
              Trial before Pilate again – Matthew 27.15-26, Mark 15.6-15, Luke 23.13-25, John 18.28-19.16
              Crucifixion (approx. 9am-3pm) – Matthew 27.27-54, Mark 15.16-39, Luke 23.26-49, John 19.16-37
              Burial – Matthew 27.57-61, Mark 15.42-47, Luke 23.50-54, John 19.38-42
Sunday: Empty-tomb witnesses – Matthew 28.1-8, Mark 16.1-8, Luke 24.1-12
               Resurrection appearances – Matthew 28.9-20, Mark 16.9-20, Luke 24.13-53, John 20.1-21.25
 Valley of Vision Prayer
My Father,
Enlarge my heart, warm my affections, open my lips,
               supply words that proclaim ‘Love lustres at Calvary.’
There grace removes my burdens and heaps them on Thy Son,
               made a transgressor, a curse, and sin for me;
There the sword of Thy justice smote the man, Thy fellow;
There Thy infinite attributes were magnified, and infinite atonement was made;
There infinite punishment was due, and infinite punishment was endured.
Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy,
               cast off that I might be brought in,
               trodden down as an enemy that I might be welcomed as a friend,
               surrendered to hell’s worst that I might attain heaven’s best,
               stripped that I might be clothed,
               wounded that I might be healed,
               athirst that I might drink,
               tormented that I might be comforted,
               made a shame that I might inherit glory,
               entered darkness that I might have eternal light.
My Saviour wept that all tears might be wiped from my eyes,
               groaned that I might have endless song,
               endured all pain that I might have unfading health,
               bore a thorny crown that I might have a glory-diadem,
               bowed His head that I might uplift mine,
               experienced reproach that I might receive welcome,
               closed His eyes in death that I might gaze on unclouded brightness,
               expired that I might forever live.
O Father, who spared not Thine only Son that Thou mightest spare me,
All this transfer Thy love designed and accomplished;
Help me to adore Thee by lips and life.
O that my every breath might be ecstatic praise,
               my every step buoyant with delight, as I see my enemies crushed,
               Satan baffled, defeated, destroyed,
               sin buried in the ocean of reconciling blood,
               hell’s gates closed, heaven’s portals open.
Go forth, O conquering God, and show me the cross, mighty to subdue, comfort and save.

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